Cómo Los Aumentos Del Salario Mínimo Afectan A Los Empleados Que Reciben Propinas En Arizona

In 2016, Arizona voted in favor of Proposition 206 to not only increase minimum wage each year, but also guarantee benefits like paid sick time. For most 9-5’ers this is a pretty black and white adjustment, but for service industry workers and other tipped employees, this can be a bit more complicated. As a tipped […]
Problemas de Igualdad Salarial En El Lugar De Trabajo

Even if you aren’t a soccer fan, you may have seen the women’s soccer team make history once again, but this time for a different reason. They won a lawsuit against the soccer federation claiming they were paid less than their male colleagues for working the same job, violating what’s known as Equal Pay. If […]
¿Están llegando Los Sindicatos a Arizona?

Lately, headlines about the employment industry are focused on a trend called ‘The Great Resignation’ which is centered around an increase of employees quitting in the retail, service and hospitality fields. True or not, it seems that many people have started to put into perspective the quality of their lives and careers and have begun […]
Los Derechos De Los Empleados De Arizona En Relación a Las Vacunas

Arizona is one of the states that doesn’t have state masks or vaccination mandates. But the Arizona Attorney General has announced that businesses in the state can actually make workers get vaccinated against COVID-19. Private Business Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has informed businesses across the state that they can require workers to be vaccinated. […]
Nueva Ley De Arizona Ayuda a Personas Con Antecedentes Penales a Encontrar Trabajo

Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona signed a new bill into law, offering help to those with criminal records to get a chance at finding a job. House Bill 2067 allows convicted criminals the chance to set aside the conviction and obtain a Certificate of Second Chance. This certificate will allow for a second chance at […]
¿La Ley de Derecho al Trabajo de Arizona está en peligro?

Arizona is currently a right-to-work state, but could a new act proposed by Congress change that? What Does Right to Work Mean? As one of 27 states across the country, Arizona is considered a right-to-work state. What does this mean? It simply means that employees are not required to join a union or required to […]
Cómo la Propuesta 207 Impacta a los Empleadores

The recent election in Arizona passed Proposition 207, legalizing marijuana across the state. So, what does this mean for employers and employees across the state of Arizona? The proposition allows the possession and sales of marijuana, but just like before, workers are not allowed to use the substance while at work. And even though it […]
Beneficios De Revisar Las Políticas Salariales y de Horas de los Empleados

The pandemic has brought on many changes in the workplace. So, it is a good time to revisit wage and hour policies during these uncertain times. Running a business can be tough, especially during these tough times. However, a business owner needs to always be in the know and keep up with new policies. They […]
Cómo el Covid-19 Está Afectando las Leyes Laborales y de Empleo

Things are changing and a new norm is being created after the pandemic. Covid-19 has impacted all aspects of our lives, but how is it impacting places of employment and employment labor laws in Arizona? Just recently, Maricopa County announced that masks are mandatory in public. This includes where you work. Some companies already made […]
¿Tienen Los Animales de Servicio un Lugar en el Lugar de Trabajo?

Over the last few years, service animals have been a hot topic. From allowing them into grocery stores to permitting them to fly on an airplane. But where do service animals stand in the workplace? Every year on June 26th, Americans celebrate taking your dog to work day, but what about every other day of […]