Ley de empleo

Acoso can take many forms, all of which interfere with your rights as an employee. Sexual harassment is only one, albeit common, form of unlawful harassment. If you are being harassed because of a protected characteristic, such as your race, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, religion, disability, you may have a claim for unlawful harassment. Workplace bullying can make the workplace seem unsafe and threatening. If you believe you are the victim of unlawful harassment, be sure to document your mistreatment and contact our office immediately.

Muchos empleadores requieren que los empleados celebren acuerdos laborales como condición de empleo. Si bien existen razones legítimas para tener acuerdos de empleo, a menudo incluyen disposiciones de confidencialidad, no competencia y/o no captación que son demasiado amplias y, por lo tanto, no se pueden hacer cumplir. Si tiene preguntas sobre un contrato de trabajo, o si necesita representación en un asunto legal relacionado con un contrato de trabajo, podemos ayudarlo.
Si ha sufrido una acción laboral adversa o despido después de informar o quejarse sobre la conducta o las acciones de su empleador o un compañero de trabajo que cree que fueron ilegales o ilegales, puede presentar un reclamo.

Have your rights as a person with a disability been violated by your employer? If you are a person living with physical, mental, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities, and you have been treated differently or discriminated against, your rights may have been violated. Thunderbird Law Group has extensive experience representing individuals with disabilities. If you have been denied employment or treated differently based on your disability, you may have a claim.

If you have been denied employment, passed over for promotion, treated differently than your coworkers because of a protected characteristic, such as your race, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, religion, disability, you may have a discrimination claim.

If you have been denied medical leave to care for yourself or a close relative (parents, spouse, or children), or if you were subject to adverse employment actions or termination as a result of having taken or requested protected medical leave, your rights may have been violated.

If you have been denied rightful pay for hours worked, underpaid for your time, or misclassified as a salaried/exempt employee or independent contractor, you may have a claim for compensation.

Lesiones Personales

At Thunderbird Law Group, we believe one of the most important aspects of pursuing a wrongful death claim is finding someone you can trust who will advocate for you and your family. Grieving families should not have to stress about medical bills or suffer from the loss of household income.

En Thunderbird Law Group, nuestro experimentado equipo legal está comprometido a ayudar a los clientes que han sufrido lesiones catastróficas debido a las acciones descuidadas o imprudentes de otros. Podemos ayudarlo a usted y a su familia a buscar la compensación máxima para los casos de lesiones personales más graves que involucran accidentes de camiones, lesiones cerebrales y otros incidentes que alteran la vida. Nuestra firma se dedica a brindar una representación personalizada y efectiva para que pueda concentrarse en la recuperación de sus lesiones y seguir adelante con su vida.
¿Usted o un ser querido han sido perjudicados por un tratamiento médico negligente de un médico u otro proveedor de atención médica? En Thunderbird Law Group, nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo a presentar un reclamo por negligencia médica. Podemos ayudarlo a buscar compensación por daños, como gastos médicos, salarios perdidos y dolor y sufrimiento.

Unlawful sexual harassment can occur outside of an employee-employer relationship. It can occur anywhere, and to anyone. Unwelcome and offensive comments, or any form of physical contact without your consent, can give rise to a potential claim. If you are a victim sexual harassment, or if you have been physically or sexually assaulted, be sure to document any evidence and contact our office immediately.

Civil Rights (Law Enforcement Focus)

Have you or someone you know been the victim of excessive force by a member of law enforcement? If you or your loved one were the victims of excessive force, police brutality, or if you believe your Civil Rights were violated by Police or Law Enforcement, contact us online or call our office today at 602-753-2933 para agendar tu consulta.