Consideraciones de Recursos Humanos para Empresas Emergentes

Here in the Valley, the startup community is growing at a rapid pace. But, as with any new venture, it is important to consider certain things before diving in headfirst. To avoid legal issues in the future, new businesses may wish to work with a legal professional to ensure all their bases are covered. First […]

Club de Motocicletas Protege a Víctimas de Abuso Infantil

They look intimidating and tough with their tattoos, leather clothes, and motorcycles. And that is the point exactly. The motorcycle club Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) has made it their mission to protect children who have been abused. The group works with law enforcement and state agencies to protect abused children. BACA’s goal is to […]

Sargento Reinstalado Después de Que se Retiraran Cargos por Abuso Infantil

Ten months after he was fired, the Santa Cruz County Merit System Commission reinstated Sgt. Cristobal Velasco. The commission voted unanimously to reinstate him. Velasco was a 12-year veteran of the Sheriff’s office who was fired following internal and external investigations of child abuse claims. When allegations first surfaced, the County Attorneys Office referred the […]

5 Trabajadores de CPS Demandan por Despido Improcedente, Alegan Escándalo

Five ex-Child Protective Services employees in Phoenix, Arizona recently filed a lawsuit against the state claiming they were wrongfully terminated amid a tumultuous time for the agency. The former child welfare workers claim that they were in fact scapegoats, as the agency’s operations underwent severe scrutiny that began in 2013, to cover for then-governor Jan […]

Sin Haber Soplado el Silbato: Los Peligros de la Complacencia

Shortly after a deadly incident along local Interstate 17 in North Phoenix, a whistleblower has come forward and alleged an accident was ‘bound to happen’. The rollover accident that occurred earlier in August involved a tanker truck, shutting down parts of the highway for several hours as crews raced to remove hot asphalt oil from […]

Tácticas Agresivas de Prevención de Pérdidas de Empleados

If you have never heard the names Fred E. Inbau and John E. Reid before, do not be surprised, they are not household names. However, their names are starting to come up more and more in recent news thanks to a controversial technique they invented back in the 1930s, and the false confessions that have […]